Monday, 7 September 2009

Now you're one of us, so fall in love with tragedy

Listening to: Strobe Lights/NYC Speed/Living In Misery - Kill Hannah
Reading: The Picture of Dorian Grey

Can I just explain how excited I am for 'WAKE UP THE SLEEPERS'? I'm so excited that (at the time of writing this) I've listened to Strobe Lights 38 times, NYC Speed 47 times and, since being sent it an hour ago, Living In Misery 19 times. 12.3 minutes of sheer amazingness, just so you're aware. I've made banners, flyers and even come up with another listening party type event for the KHK. I think I went into full-blown-hyper mode when I saw the pre-order of the album, available with a pillowcase. A fucking pillowcase!! Now in most cases this would be cheesy, but it fits.

And I'm so happy it's finally nearing autumn. I don't know why, but I think KH have something to do with it. See, it was round about this time last year that I discovered and joined the KHK (September 30th to be exact), and it was also around this time that I started going up to Newcastle every weekend to see my brother at university. There was just something so...wonderful about driving back home in the dark, listening to KH on my mp3 player, along motorways and watching all the lights of Newcastle just go by. Then there's the fact that KH and winter just go so well together. If you listen to them I promise you you'll hear it.

I was in Newcastle on Saturday helping my brother move into the apartment he's going to be living in this year, and I had Living In Misery and Mouth To Mouth in my head. (I'd only heard live versions of both at this point) We didn't start the drive home until sometime around eight o'clock and it was getting quite dark by this point. Cue me sat in the back of the car listening to KH all the way home, watching all these lights go by. It makes me want to move to a city so bad. I've even said I can't wait until I start university, just so I can move to Newcastle and I'll be able to go to see every good band that come and play up here.

And I really want to go to New Heart For Xmas next year. To see Kill Hannah, in Chicago. I've seen photos from people who went last year from the UK and it looks so beautiful. Just white snow everywhere. It reminded me of that scene from Dead Poets Society where they receive the bad news and run outside into the snow and everything's so perfect in light of the most tragic event that's happened. I want to see something like that. Sure we get snow here, but it's slushy, dirty and only lasts a week at most. That said I love when there's snow covering our garden and on the rooftops that I can see from my bedroom window. When it's all perfect and untouched.

Chicago in winter. I don't know why, but it just seems so beautiful.


Strobe Lights: 43 plays
Living In Misery: 23 plays
New York City Speed: 51 plays

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